1088 XEL Mini-ITX 8-Bit Motherboard
This is a complete ground up redesign of the Atari 8-Bit Computer Motherboard still utilizing the standard Atari VLSI chips, but recreated in a Mini-ITX Form Factor (17 cm x 17 cm). The idea behind this project was to take several devices I had been working on (i.e., TK-II, MouseTari, and VGATE), along with the U1MB and UAV upgrades by Lotharek and AtariAge member Bryan, and integrate them into a cohesive package that would fit a plethora of readily available Mini-ITX enclosures. V1.1 board with XEL-CF & Sophia DVI/RGB in Realan H60 case BETA Test Team members Simon Wells and Stephen Anderson demoed their heavily modified beta 1088XEL version 1.0 boards at VCFMW 12 in 2017. General Build Information
![]() This project is now considered fully released, and all of the pertinent files to get started with a DIY build are now available from this page. Please be sure to use the sub-page links to see some of the additional accessory items that can be built to expand upon the basic system, such as the internal Compact Flash Drive (XEL-CF3). AtariAge member MacRorie is selling individual bare boards, parts kits, fully assembled boards, and full systems at The Brewing Academy website. I won't be too involved with this aspect, so please direct any questions you may have about this to MacRorie. Thanks to AtariAge member flashjazzcat, there is a new build of the U1MB BIOS specific to the 1088XEL. I recommend that this be flashed to the 1088XEL's U1MB in order to enjoy the full experience (Firmware). Last but not least when it comes to DIY, please keep in mind that there are numerous variables that could easily factor into whether your board works or not on first boot. Anything ranging from a missed solder joint, solder bridge, or a bad or marginal chip can totally derail operation of the board. So bearing that in mind, remember that this is one of those "enter at your own risk" kind of projects, requiring a high proficiency in electronic soldering, assembly and troubleshooting. Michael St. Pierre AtariAge Member: mytek |
Microchip PIC MCU Firmware (All Required Flashing Files)
File Includes Firmware for:
Check TK-II Main Page for Latest PS/2 Keyboard Firmware
Includes flashing ATR's for use with the JOY2PIC A8 programmer, as well as individual hex files for 3rd party programmers such as the Microchip PICkit series. Individual XEX flash files have also been provided for use with Multi-Carts. Documentation
PCB Manufacturing Gerber/NC Files
This download contains a ReadMe text document with specific manufacturing details. To order a board: drag and drop entire Zip file to the JLCPCB or ALLPCB order page, and then fill out the remaining parameters in the PCB order form based on the info contained in the ReadMe document. Please note that after dropping the file on to the ALLPCB order page, you may see a strange file name in the upload box, just ignore that and press the submit order button and your file should upload. PCB Schematic Capture/Layout Source Files
ExpressPCB source files used to create the PCB layout for the Mini-ITX 1088XEL motherboard. These files have been verified and used to create real boards. Customize as you like in the ExpressPCB Classic design suite, then send your files to 4-layer ExpressPCB-to-Gerber Conversion Service. Links to Schematics in Other CAD Formats
(These are provided 'as is' and should be carefully reviewed before use) KiCad (github): 1088xel-kicad Created by: AtariAge member ivop Eagle (AtariAge): Eagle8Original1088XEL Created by: AtariAge member Dropcheck
This board is not available from OSHpark - Gerber manufacturing files can be uploaded to EasyEDA or ALLPCB for Purchase
Forum Discussions
AtariAge Assembly Videos by Jon Halliday (flashjazzcat)
The Exciting Conclusion and First Power-Up Test