Accessory Items for your 1088XEL
So now that you have a new Atari 8-Bit Mini-ITX Motherboard, what's next? Perhaps a slick looking case would be nice, and some fancy panels to go with it. And maybe you need some LED indicators, because everyone likes lights. Or a slim/trim push button to change which joystick port will get used for your PS/2 mouse. All this and more is possible. Examples of Custom Engraved Anodized Aluminum Panels for Realan Cases
Realan Mini-ITX Gaming Cases
Front Panel Express Panel Manufacturing Files
This download contains a custom top and rear panel file, which are specific to the Realan H60 or H80 Gaming Mini-ITX case. Thanks goes out to AtariAge member bfollowell for his customization of the top panel to be more Atari-like in character.
Realan Cart Tunnels
Used for facilitating external cartridge access to the Realan Mini-ITX H60 and H80 cases (requires custom top panel with appropriate opening). Cart Tunnels incorporate cart door opening fingers and an integral one way insertion guard to prevent putting a cart in backwards.
Recommended Material:
Polyamide (nylon)
H80 Tunnel Top View
Professional 3D Printing Service
Status LED Board
There are 5 commonly used status LEDs provided by headers on the 1088XEL motherboard or from the XEL-CF, which this status board organizes into a single easily mounted and connectable panel.
XEL Status Panel Provides a Convenient LED Status Display
Due to the simplicity of this board, no BOM or Schematic has been provided. Feel free to improvise and use any color T-1 LED that you prefer. And keep in mind that LEDs D1-D3 can be designated for any purpose, whereas RX and TX are reserved for SIO2PC activity. The interface header should be a 0.1" (2.54mm) pitch 10 position break-away type meant for Dupont terminal connectors to mate with (the break-away header can be the same one specified in the 1088XEL BOM).
Mouse Port Select Board
The 1088XEL provides the means to direct the PS/2 mouse either to Joystick Port 1 or 2 via a mechanical toggle switch. The Mouse Port Select board does this in a nicer, cleaner way.
Mouse Port Select Intelligent Switching Between Joy Ports
The Realan H60/H80 Version provides a 'fill' panel that gives a more finished look when used with the Realan case. This fill panel can be painted to match your case, or if ordered through one of the alternative PCB manufacturers, specified with a color solder mask of your choosing.
The 'No Panel Version' is for alternative cases where you can simply drill the correct size holes for the LED & Switch. Please note that all OSHpark boards use a purple solder mask. If you wish to have the boards be some other color, you'll need to upload the gerber files to either JLCPCB, ALLPCB, or some other PCB manufacturer instead. |
Cool Novelties Products
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DIN-13 to RGB SCART Cable for 1088XEL
This cable has been designed to work on an un-modified 1088XEL, with the prerequisite of having a VBXE or Sophia RGB video board installed. Essentially giving you a plug'n'play solution for high quality video output from your 1088XEL*. Description from site... "A brand-new RGB scart video cable produced exclusively for use with the 1088XEL Atari 8-bit clone mini-ITX board. Connects RGB video and stereo audio. Designed and tested for us by the original 1088XEL creator. Please note this is the latest V2.0 revision of the cable." *This cable is 1088XEL specific and will not work on an Atari ST computer.
December 6th, 2021
Dropcheck posted an announcement just last month that she'll be getting out of the Atari hardware selling business (LINK), and will be slowly stepping back from the engineering side as well. So all that you see listed below will likely not be available to purchase from her Bits of the Past website, or at least not for much longer. Some of it will probably continue to be sold at The Brewing Academy, and according to her post, at least some of her designs will be released to the public when she does future updates to her website. I'm sure her creativity will be missed by many Atari enthusiasts, including myself, and I wish her well with whatever life brings for her down the road.
- Michael (aka: mytek)
Dropcheck posted an announcement just last month that she'll be getting out of the Atari hardware selling business (LINK), and will be slowly stepping back from the engineering side as well. So all that you see listed below will likely not be available to purchase from her Bits of the Past website, or at least not for much longer. Some of it will probably continue to be sold at The Brewing Academy, and according to her post, at least some of her designs will be released to the public when she does future updates to her website. I'm sure her creativity will be missed by many Atari enthusiasts, including myself, and I wish her well with whatever life brings for her down the road.
- Michael (aka: mytek)
Bits of the Past Products
AtariAge member Dropcheck has come up with some very cool add-on boards for use with the 1088XEL, which are now available from her Bits of the Past website.
SDriveXEL SD-to-SIO for a 3.5" drive bay
Description from site... "Aside from the pcb redesign, I’ve also changed this version of SDrive to allow for a more modern AVR programming option. So few pcs now have serial connectors on them, that I decided to update the method of programming the AVR chip to a USB option compatible with USBasp. Minor changes were made to the led display options and to change to an all front facing set of frequently used controls. The SDriveXEL will be powered via a cable from the SIO Aux connector on the 1088XEL, no additional power/data cabling is needed. The SDriveXEL should function identical to either the original SDrive by Raster or the upgraded version by c0nsumer. It will also have the limitations of both." Cart Extension Remote Cartridge Port
Description from site... "One of the few issues still remaining with the 1088XEL board is the reality of no easy way to access the cartridge slot in a normal miniITX/microATX standard case. Previous efforts at extending the cart slot access focused on pcb only extension and with some limited success ribbon cable only extension with a dumb pcb at each end to connect the cartridge with the motherboard slot. The ribbon cable by necessity had to be rather short, no more than 12″ or you started having problems with PHI0 signal loss. After working with tf_hh on the issue, we’ve come up with what I believe is a better solution that will allow longer ribbon cable lengths. I have tested up to 18″ of ribbon cable on multiple game carts, language carts, SIDE 1 cart, and Super SDX carts. I cannot say everything in cartridge format will work, since I do not have every cartridge ever made, but it’s probably going to be a small # if any." ATX Adapter Use ATX PSU for 1088XEL
Description from site... "This adapter makes it easier to use standard ATX12V 20 and 24 pin power supplies to power the 1088XEL and the physical drives with one power supply. Ideally you would put the PSU and board in a Micro-ATX or appropriate mini-ITX case." |