It takes the stock Colecovision memory configuration from a measly 1K up to a whopping 32K, and it throws in a second programmable sound generator (PSG), giving a total of 6 independent voices when combined with the original sound chip. However it can be put back into a stock 1K mirrored RAM mode with a simple register change, and the extra sound chip won't activate unless needed.
Having this new configuration in play makes it compatible with games that were developed for the MSX and SX platforms, making for very easy ports to the Colecovision system. This also means that it can take advantage of games created for the Super Game Module by AtariAge member opcode.
The ATF1500A CPLD (optional ATF1502ALS) which acts like a Memory Management Unit (MMU), makes it possible to eliminate at least half a dozen 74XXX series logic chips, and allows for relatively simple CPLD core changes for altering any of the decoding characteristics. For this aspect, I utilized Protel 99 SE to design the inner workings of the CPLD, using it's schematic capture to PLD source code generator, thus keeping me in a graphical design environment not unlike what I use in PCB design.
Here's a peek into what just such a schematic looks like for eventual translation to PLD code. I believe this will be the final version for the project. Wow not too different than an actual physical component schematic!
With the proper CPLD in play, the system worked, and worked well. And thanks to AtariAge member PixelBoy, I was able to test right off the bat 40+ SGM/MSX derived compatible games. Of which most all worked, with only one exception turning out to be an issue with being run from an Atarimax Ultimate SD Cart instead of a real cart.
There were also a handful of other game prototypes that had issues, but for the most part compatibility was very good across the board.
However all was not good, and unfortunately I was seeing noise in my video output, which I temporarily fixed by substituting a linear 5V regulator for the switching one that I had spec'd. Of course this produced way too much heat and now required a large heat sink to disperse that extra heat. Good news is this got solved today when I found a very low noise version of a TO220 switching regulator, that actually turned out to be cheaper than the previous noisy one.
QUAD Board Problems
This is a board that fills in the missing circuits for using a quadrature based roller-controller, and better yet, also supports an alternative in a USB Mouse (wireless capable). Unfortunately I had screwed up with the Mouse USB port, having the power polarity reversed. I also had screwed up the orientation of the left and right mouse buttons vs. what a real controller has. So after some trace cutting and rewiring, it worked like a charm.
Then I discovered the game Armageddon, which is very much like Missile Command, having 3 missile silos protecting the city from attack. This game requires a roller-controller for targeting where the missiles will go when launched. However it takes 3 buttons from that controller to launch from all 3 missile silos, and I only had two of those available on my mouse, thus leaving one silo inoperative.
With the help of AtariAge member Chart45 we discovered that the middle mouse button would also pull down one of the unused I/O pins on the CH554, a microcontroller being used to translate the USB Mouse into something that the Colecovision can recognize. This middle mouse button would fill in for the missing button required to launch missiles from the formally inactive 3rd silo. But there was a slight problem, and that had to do with an inexplicable delay after pressing the middle mouse button before you would see a response on the I/O line, which was simply not acceptable. We are currently trying to solve this issue, along with the help of Chart45's brother who is a far better coder than either of us.
Changes are in the Works
There will be a 2nd revision of most all the boards associated with this project, and subsequently a 2nd order will be placed for new sample boards. This is looking to happen about 3-4 weeks from now once all the new aspects and fixes have been proven out. So stay tuned for more news to come on this project.
- Michael